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about us

Hey! If you have come to this page, that means you wanna know a little more about us and we’re flattered.

No? Oh… you butt-clicked and got here by accident? Well, either way, you’re here. This means the universe has conspired and our fates are now intertwined (Reminder: send thank you card to company fortune teller) 

We are called Upswing, or as our dear clients like to call us, a marketing genie-us in a bottle. Not to toot our own horn or anything, but we’re kinda awesome. Spreading the word is what we do and we do it with much finesse. We are to your online business, what a cup of chai is to a rainy day: a love match (Alexa plays Careless Whisper) 

Social Media Management
Our mission

Definitely not impossible. We strive to get your name on top of the list by combining our extensive experience and helping you plan and implement your digital marketing strategy.


What we do is a bunch of highly skilled and largely worded things that will help establish your business among the very best. From providing you with the most innovative of strategies and advanced analytics at affordable prices to maybe getting coffee together sometime, we do it all. At Upswing, we have our own Piccasos, specialising in Designing and Branding your business into masterpieces that would decorate the Louvre one day. 

Our vision

20/20 all the way. We strive to revolutionise your business by facilitating the creation of cutting-edge marketing strategies.


With Upswing by your side, your business is in capable hands. Our skills in website development and profile optimization transcend any other and we’ll make sure that your work is amplified to the rest of the world. We can’t wait to help you overcome the hurdles of marketing your business and rejoice with you in your victories. So what do you say we take a rain check on that coffee date and get down to business? 


Contact Us

Have a project in mind?

Let’s discuss!
Connect with us and our team will get back to you right away!

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